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About Us

Every moment we have new thing. We never stop. We always are looking for development, updating and leadership. 

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  • The firm brings on a new client and opens its case.
  • Billable time and disbursement fees/expenses are logged throughout the case.
  • At the end of each month (or at the end of the case, if it’s a shorter case), bills and expenses for each client and case are put into a draft bill.
  • Attorneys add notes and adjust costs as needed and approve the bill.
  • A final version of the bill is created and sent to clients for payment.
  • Clients pay via whatever payment methods are accepted at the firm.
  • The accounting team sends follow-up reminders regarding late payments.
  • Bring all documents. Make copies of all the documents you have collected regarding your case and give these copies to the lawyer.
  • Have notes ready.
  • Be honest.
  • Talk about costs.
  • Ask the lawyer questions.
  • Understand all documents you sign.
  • Keep your own files.
  • Criminal Case.
  • Civil Case.
  • Common Case.
  • Statutory Case.

Remote Court Hearings

  • This service allows litigants to find out the dates of distance hearings by videoconference and to attend hearings remotely.
  • The access link is posted on the official portal of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department.
  • The service is provided using two applications: MeetMe and Webex. A link is sent to you through the notice to attend the case.

May depend significantly on the circumstances. Some scenarios may require the help of additional lawyers, or may we assign multiple advocates to each case.

  • The plaintiff files a complaint to initiate a lawsuit.
  • The defendant files an answer to the complaint.
  • The judge will issue a scheduling order laying out a timeline for important dates and deadlines, including when the trial will take place.
  • The parties engage in discovery.
  • Motions and other pleadings may be filed.
  • A jury is selected, then the trial takes place.
  • A decision is given by the judge or the jury.
  • Either party may appeal the decision—and if a party is still unhappy with the decision of the appellate court, may ask for further appellate review.

25 Years Experience.

In some cases, ten years would be too long to bring a lawsuit. In others, such as medical issues that don’t appear right away, you might still be able to sue. An attorney is the best person to help you understand your case and the time limits.

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